Creative heART Space

Holistic Therapy - Art - Yoga - Meditation

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Find your Path

We believe you will find a deeper connection to a meaningful life when you can be the most authentic version of you. True wisdom already lives inside you, sometimes we just need to find our way home to ourselves.


Whatever your navigating, we offer  inclusive support for all kinds of journeys.

People of all walks of life have shared their stories with us, moving through struggles to find transformation and insight.

At the core of any issue is the human heart and its need to be given a safe space to be seen, heard and healed. Our role is to hold a supportive space whilst giving you the tools to do that for yourself.

We have walked beside those challenged by times of grief, confusion, insecurity, frustration, mental health, physical health, spiritual searching, domestic violence, post- natal depression, relationship issues and trauma.

Each person is met with openness, respect and an awareness of the need to find their unique path to wholeness.


Reach your personal goals

Dream of creating your most meaningful life from a truly conscious perspective? Feel like you know what you need to do but just cant seem to make it happen?Want to understand what your blocks to reaching your full potential are, and how you can allow them to shift?

Discover how you hold the key.


Grow a skill

Wanting to re-ignite your creativity or try something new?

We have a whole range of art techniques that we would love to share with you.

Watch out for our workshops or If you would like to organise your own, we can help make it happen.

We are also connected to the diverse community of Artists in Newcastle and can find that skill you might be searching for.

Watch this space!




Get more colour in your life

A truer you - A richer existence
