Individual Transpersonal Art Therapy
holistic Psychotherapy & 1.5hr sessions
We support people with all kinds of issues involving work, lifestyle, relationships, parenting, major life transitions, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.
This holistic form of counselling can be highly beneficial for those needing some therapeutic support. We have journeyed with people from two to seventy years of age; all walks of life.
Our overall aim is to equip people with healthy strategies for navigating the challenges that life holds. Along the way we often also find healing for old wounds and greater insight into who we are and who we want to be; finding the path that will take us there and removing blocks along the way.
Sessions are prioritised as being safe, nurturing and holding a space of absolute respect for all people.
Each individual is supported to find their own maps to travel through their current situation so as to be a healthier, happier version of themselves.
Make contact to find out more or book your session today.
Creative Mindfulness Workshops
Stay tuned for the next one!
Make space for some soul time, for some self-care and reflection. Using creative processes, meditation, breath-work and movement to explore and create space for growing awareness and a calmer state of bearing witness to our world. Artistic skill is not necessary, just bring an openness and willingness to explore new ways.
The depth of shared experience and openness is healing in its own right. The act of coming together in a community setting, reaches a human need that hails back to our ancestors sitting around fires, sharing stories. This time is unifying and fulfilling.
You will be invited to explore themes that connect you more deeply with your self and then share the gift of deep listening and honouring one another's process in a safe, non pressured and inclusive way.
Dates and venues vary. Sign up to our mailing list to receive information on our upcoming events.
What is Transpersonal Art therapy?
Art Therapy is a transformative client- centred counselling technique based on creative expression. It allows for questions to be answered beyond the mind and ego and connects to the source of the concern, often in the subconscious. It provides awareness of the issue as well as tools to assist with personal growth and healing.
Art therapy has a holistic approach that incorporates mind, body, emotion and spirit, unleashing the creative intuitive within. This allows the mind to open up to healing seldom seen with other therapies.
Transpersonal Art Therapy assists with uncovering the reasons that have led to these issues existing within our psyche, getting to the core of an issue. Without the need to revisit or relive trauma, art therapy provides an avenue of expression when words cannot be found. You do not have to be able to draw to participate as most revelations come from simple marks, symbols and meaning making reflections that we facilitate. They do not have to be represented in an elaborate fine art sketch though it may if thats what calls. We like to call it 'mark making'.
What might a session look like?
Every person that comes is unique and every time they come they bring what is most relevant to them, which is why we maintain a strong practice of taking our cues from you. Drawing on a deep well of resources and experience, our focus is on helping you to grow in self- awareness and gain insight into your issue whilst feeling safe and supported.
In practice this looks like deep listening on our part, mindfulness techniques, visualisations and guided mark making. There is no 'program' that you are expected to move through in an allotted time and we only use the techniques that you are comfortable with in any given moment.
One of the very beautiful aspects about this modality is that you don't need to know how to explain your feelings or even what's wrong. Given the right space and tools, your heart, body, subconscious and soul will bring forward the answers.
Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash